Wednesday, January 9, 2019

[58] ways to survive in the worst moments of your life!

[58] ways to survive in the worst moments of your life!

# 1. Hit your slap.  Let him be strong!

If a slap seems painful, you immediately realize that you do not have such a big problem. Do it when you really fall into the depths of your own pain and failure: "Ha! to slap myself myself?

This is nothing compared to my problem. "

So either hit your slap or close your mouth and take your life in your hands!

# 2. Do not compare your suffering to that of others.

No, it does not matter that your brother's happened to something worse last year. It does not matter if your cousin has been hit by a car and never complained about it. You do not know about these things, so you can not compare the situations.  Everyone feels things differently.

That is why we all suffer in a different way. Stop measuring how bad you can feel and just feel bad.

# 3. Determine the sensation.

What is it - Anger? Grief? Jealousy? Sadness? Despair?

# 4. Do not suppress emotions.

The suppression of negative emotions kills you. Literally.

This means that if a close friend asks you: "How do you feel?" You can answer "I feel really bad" , not to get upright with  "Oh, I feel great!" And then run away, to roam over the pillow and wonder why nobody cares about it and does not care about your condition. Speaking of this ...

# 5. Go ahead and cry, if you need it.

Do not be ashamed. This is useful. We all need to cry sometimes.

# 6. Seriously. Do not worry.

# 7. Do not you feel better? Want a handkerchief? Hug?

# 8. Are you guilty of someone else for your pain? Now that you have cried, let's get to what is really important: whose fault is it? Who is the idiot here?

# 9. Once you know who he is, forgive him immediately.

It does not matter how difficult it is.

# 10. Identify what you can do better.

Maybe what happened is not your fault, but that does not mean you can not handle it. What did you mess up with?

What would you like to go back and change?

# 11. Immediately forgive yourself. We will all be better.

# 12. Understand that we also have to give in life. Everything good in life requires risks and sacrifices. No exceptions. No one gets rid of him without scars.

# 13. Understand that pain, no matter how deep it is, ultimately passes . Nothing lasts forever. After all, everything will be fine.

# 14. Understand that gold is hidden at the bottom of each hole.

Stop trying to climb and then start looking for it.

# 15. Tell some people near you how you feel.

Do not expect anything in return.

# 16. Tell them, "I'll be fine," even if you do not believe it yet.

Because you are right that everything will be fine. 

# 17. If you have no one to tell, how you feel, talk to a therapist or support group . There is a support group for almost everything today. You can visit any, even virtual, even if you do not want to talk.

# 18. Promise that you will do something good for some who are less fortunate than you. Nothing makes us as happy as when we delight some others. Donate for charity. Give a present.

Buy a homeless person food.

# 19. Really do it.

# 20. Do not tell anyone what you did.

Do not make a deal with the homeless and purchased food, then post it on Facebook. Keep this secret for yourself.

# 21. Do not be afraid to stay alone.

Turn to your best friend.

Only in the dark you can see the stars - M. Luther King

# 22. Take 3 life lessons from this messy situation.

It's a tough job. Not funny.

It's much easier to go online and blame someone with angry comments and bring them to the closest.

But this is the most important step.

Take her seriously.

What can this terrible experience teach you? How can you use it to do something better for yourself? Record if you need it.

# 23. Promise that you will benefit from these lessons.

# 24. Tell me that it's really good.

This terrible thing happened to you, and maybe someday you would be grateful for that.

# 25. Then you will understand that you are probably deluding yourself.

Sometimes things just drain us or are totally fucked ...

# 26. Refrain from causing pain to some, including yourself.

# 27. Understand that most things in life are both good and bad at the same time. 

# 28. Pour a drink.

But skip this step if you are: a) alcoholic, b) have a disease that prevents the use of alcohol, c) you are already drunk, or d) 12 years old.

# 29. Take the time to think about all the things in your life that are amazing. If you can not think of anything, push more and think.

# 30. Think how happy you are to have these amazing things in your life. You could have been born in Africa in the 14th century and your penis was cut off.

# 31. Be aware of three ways in which your life can be very, much, much worse. It can always be worse.

# 32. If you do not think anything, go to the local hospice for cancer patients.

# 33. Begin to feel really guilty when you realise that you are not among people with a verdict called cancer disease.

# 34. Immediately forgive yourself.

# 35. Pour another drink. Cancer is nasty.

# 36. See this cat in a shark purse suit. Seriously:

# 37. Understand that the Internet is a super cool thing!

# 38. But do not post some superficial thoughts on Facebook to look for sympathy. This is flat and unproductive.

# 39. And do not start to cheat others  using their anguish 
/ anger / hate as an excuse to make fun of them even if it's online.

# 40. Do not pay attention to stereotypes.

The Internet does that quite easily. Just because your wife has left you does not mean that all women are frivolous prostitutes. Just because your friends do not know how to behave at your father's funeral does not mean people are superficial and heartless. The world is a tricky place.

# 41. Tell your mother that you love her.

Write it to her. Call her. Whatever it is, she is your mother.

If you do not have a mother, tell it to your sister.

If you do not have a sister, tell it to your best friend. If you do not have a best friend tell him to the postman.

# 42. Understand that the postman also needs love. We all need it.

# 43. Practice patience.

The pain takes time to pass. In this article there are many ways to do this!

# 44. Do something good for yourself.

Eat ice cream. Play video games. Masturbate.

# 45. If you still feel bad, stay down.

# 46. If you can not sleep, make sure you stop drinking.

# 47. Wind the alarm for the next morning.

Become and try to do something useful and productive, no matter how horrible you feel, no matter how much you do not want.

Even if it is something small.

# 48. Meditate.

# 49. Sing your favorite song.

Best do it in the shower or in the car - no one listens to you.

# 50. If you are not yet, now is the time to stop crying.

If you can not, go back to Step # 7 and repeat the process until you stop.

# 51. Do you remember the three lessons you used to convince yourself that 
these were useful things you spent the two minutes yesterday? 

Decide how you can apply one of these lessons today and do it.

# 52. Remember: patience and perseverance.

# 53. Get out of the house and be social. Even if you do not want it.

# 54. When you are with a group of people who love you, tell them about the painful horrible thing that happened to you in the past.

Tell them something funny to him. Laugh together.

# 55. Have a laugh about how much you cried. You laugh that you could not fall asleep. Have a laugh about how much you masturbate while you eat ice cream.

# 56. Understand that you are not alone.

People care for them. They do not even know how to show it.

# 57. Realize that pain is always less important than it seems.

# 58. Understand that your problems are not special or unique. And that's good news. Because it means you will never suffer yourself.

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